Special dad time: how to make it happen

 As a father, you have a big impact on your children’s development. The most significant contribution you make is through your everyday interactions with your kids. Here’s how to get some special dad time into your routine.

Creating high-quality dad time with your children

High-quality interactions with your children happen when you do that little bit more than simply caring for them. But it can be hard to find the time when you’re juggling long work hours, time for yourself and time with your partner.

Here are some simple ways to make ‘dad time’ even more special:

Talk to your children. Tell them stories and jokes. Listening to grown-ups talk helps babies and young children learn, even if they can’t understand what you’re saying. It also brings you closer emotionally.

Read More: https://raisingchildren.net.au/grown-ups/fathers/getting-involved/dad-time


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